Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Good First Week

Well, it's been a week now since I started this thing, but a few since I started really working to lose some weight and it's been a fun ride already. I am already enjoying a few benefits of working out, not so much like I dropped 18 pounds in 3 days, but more energy due to the working out, my muscles don't feel as tight and sore by the end of the day anymore and I'm sleeping better. Not bad for one week of effort. Also, I did drop 3 pounds this week and am down to 152. It's late right now so I will have Dan snap a pic before we head to church in the AM. Just in case someone doesn't know...the Billy Blanks Boot Camp series is evil! I can still only make it through about 17 minutes before I feel like I am going to have a stroke...sad, but true. After 3 weeks of doing Pilates 2-3 times a week, I can actually do a roll up again...that took more effort than I'm willing to admit! I did good this week on staying hydrated and getting my 5 servings of veggies and fruits most days, but there is still room for improvement. Dan upped the weights I was using, apparently I wasn't making it look hard enough...LOL! Jodi's Hip Hop Abs DVDs are calling me so I will add one of those this week to keep it from getting too monotonous. Starting Monday, Jodi doesn't have to be at work until 8:30, so maybe I will 'encourage' her to work out with me...hee hee hee. Anyway, that's the update to this week.
Thanks for being interested,
Pounds lost so far...3
Pounds to go...47

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