Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February Update and a workout challenge

Hey friends, it's been a while again, and with all the holiday activities, I'm sure no one has been checking my little old blog every day for an update. ;)

I'm happy to report that I survived all the holidays without regaining any weight and I'm pretty stoked about that. I recently also enjoyed a NSV (non-scale victory) by wearing some pants that haven't fit in about 2 years, as seen above. Woot!
I'm taking part in this squat challenge again this month.
I'm also working through some 30-20-10s as recommended by a friend, and have also added a quick 5 minute ab routine for the month. I've been struggling a bit with not going to PFit with Dan and Patrick out of town (leaving no one to watch Derek) but I think I can manage this month with some creativity.
Last thing: portion control remains an issue. Dang it. Was hoping to have mastered that by now. But I'm learning that I should NOT watch TV while I eat, because I want to stuff my mouth the whole time the show is on. But realizing the problem is a good step toward fixing it, so I know...no more eating in front of Netflix. I shall miss you, Gilmore Girls. But I miss my smaller waistline and energy more.
Best of luck to you this month in your health goals!